Heading towards a Third World War?

Recently, North Korea, or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK), have been testing out nuclear warheads and other deadly military equipments. When asked why they are doing so, they said they want to attain equilibrium with the United States of America (USA). Now, think about this. The first world war took place because of military superiority. Britain was a superior country in terms of military power. Germany wanted to achieve equilibrium with Britain. What I am trying to say is even DPRK is following the path of Germany of that time. If this issue continues, there is going to be serious issues which can even wipe out human beings from Earth.

The United Nations Security Council should not only take strict action against DPRK, but should also make necessary decisions and  put it in the form of a resolution that all countries, irrespective of its size or population maintain an army as prescribed by the Security Council. In this way, we can prevent a possible Third world war. 


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