A heavenly activity!

The space is really interesting to know more as well as to learn about it. We feel thrilled and excited when we get to see the heavenly activities such as the eclipses, transitions by planets or other heavenly bodies such as comets or asteroids. Some transitions occur only in a lifetime whereas some occur frequently.
We experienced the once in a lifetime transit of Venus through  the Sun on 5 and 6 of June 2012, but it was not that clearly visible from Southern India due to the clouds formed by the south west monsoons. We are about to experience another transition which is currently on its way towards Sun by Mercury.
The Mercury Transition will be seen on 9th of May and will be seen as a small dot on the Sun due to the difference in the angular length of Mercury and Earth. It will be viewable from most parts of Asia(except Japan), South America, North America, South Pacific, North Pacific.
The Mercury transition will consist of four stages: Contact I (ingress exterior), Contact II (ingress interior), Contact III (egress interior), Contact IV (egress exterior).
People are advised not to look at the Sun with the naked eye. The safe technique to look at the transition, without putting our eyes at risk, is to use filter-like aluminised mylar, black polymer or welding glass of shade number 14.


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