Are we late, too late, or is it the right time to bring strong laws for protecting nature?!

I was just scrolling through the Times of India's website, where I suddenly saw a headline "Hefty penalties SOON  for destruction of Forests. I was just thinking, we is the word 'soon' added to the headline? We can't we just do it now, TODAY. Do you know, one tree is cut down every five minutes. So, by the end of a year, the total number of forests that is cut down goes more than 100.

Elders have taught us this particular phrase- Never Keep Anything for Tomorrow That Can Be Done Today. But no one is keeping by this phrase. When we see someone cutting a tree, we may think, "Oh, Its just one tree! Nothing is going to happen if that is cut off." But remember, something will happen, if we continue to think like that and if we do not conserve trees.

If I were given a chance to edit a dictionary, I would probably remove the word "soon" and replace it with a "today".

Always remember- If your future generation wants to live peacefully without any obstacles in their way, start to conserve tree right away.


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